
Virtualization of a HMI software for Siemens Industry Software. The virtualization on a virtual machine required an emulation of servers and a network. After this, I tested the virtual machine and distributed it to Siemens Industry Software employees and employees of cooperating companies.

Technical documentation for a Power Supply Unit (PSU) completly integrated in the SIMATIC automation product range. I provided all text and graphics for the documents and coordinated the translation process.


IT support: worked in first level support with a ticket system (ARTS+), troubleshooting for virtual desks. Worked in second and third level support also.

UL 2594 certification of a charging station for electric cars. Been doing prework for the certification, analysing UL 2594 for relevant requirements and creating the mounting and operating instructions B2B users. Preperation for translation in accordance with UL 2594 for the north and south american market.


Work scheduling for part of a large scale project with construction cranes. Analysis of current state, definition of targets as well as visulasing of progress made and working on the actual subject.


Web app programming for safe data transfer B2B in cloud storage. I used Java for that.



Technical documentation according to the standard Spec 101: Ground Equipment Technical Data. I wrote transport, maintenance and instruction manuals.




Graphics und illustrations according to standards: for GUI, documents or spare part catalogues. Examples for this standards: S200M, ISO 7000, ISO 7010

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Creation of marketing documents in English for a Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH (electron microscopy).



S1000D: I worked in several projects with S1000D.

  • creating S1000D content
  • modularising documents according to S1000D
  • creation of DMRLs and InfoObjects
  • preparation and implementation of ICN graphic objects
  • worked according to the standard S2000M also

Alarm plan using German fire prevention standards : creation of a fire prevention plan and an alarm plan for a German company.

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Process enhancement for electropolishing: preparation of a workplace for electropolishing and the tuning of process parameters. Creation of a guide book and training of future operators. The enhancement has the potential to save up to 50 % of running costs.



Installation of a workplace for a borescop to examine stainless steel drums.

Machining tool register: collecting the technical data, design and print.

Student worker at an archeological excavation at an celtic grave site (appr. 600 BC) in south Germany. I documented findings and their position with a tachymeter. After that I merged the position into 3D graphics using 3ds Max.


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